Thursday, January 31, 2013

Brady is 10

We love birthdays around here!  We usually have two parties.  One on the weekend with cousins. And the other on their actual birthday.  This was his party with just us.  He got to open Grandma Christensen's present from Cyprus! T-shirts for everyone!
Brady is a fun kid to have around, he brings energy and drama to the girls lives.  I guess it will make his sisters tougher!
He loves to play basketball and is taking piano lessons as well.

Bennett is anxiously awaiting a piece of cake!


Bham2Sisters said...

Happy Birthday to Brady. I can't believe he and Aidan are only a year apart! And Bennett looks so different now. WHAAAAA that I don't get to see you more often.

Cami said...

Bennett looks like some of the pictures of you as a baby. really cute!