Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Odds and Ends

Reese loves to help with Jayne, but she tends to sleep on the job.
Some times you have to find a spot to lay your baby down. dryers work.

 Jaynes blessing day.  It was kind of a rough morning.

Spencer comes for a visit!


christensen mission adventures said...

Love your cute post, as usual! The baby Jayne is getting so big and beautiful! Why not copy that picture of your kids and send it to the African charity. I love it as much as the one you already sent. Keep these posts coming, I love seeing your darling children, since I don't get to be there in person! Lv Mom

Stefani said...

Love, Love, Love!

Cami said...

love the pictured of all your kids. Glad you said it was a rough morning, because some of them, Elizabeth and Claire, look upset. ha.. Cute pic.